potassium was administered prior to first post-operative Afib episode compared with an average of zero in the relaxed group ...
Disorders which may lead to hypokalemia like Gitelman syndrome, Bartter syndrome, Andersen-Tawil syndrome, renal tubular acidosis or periodic hypokalemic paralysis were excluded by the negative ...
Avoid abrupt cessation. Pregnancy. Nursing mothers. Fluid retention, electrolyte disturbances (eg, decreased Ca and K+, hypokalemic alkalosis), muscle weakness, steroid myopathy, osteoporosis ...
Keveyis is the therapy approved in the United States to treat hyperkalemic, hypokalemic, and related variants of primary periodic paralysis (PPP). Recorlev is a cortisol synthesis inhibitor ...
There were a small number of hospitalizations. It actually reduced the number of hypokalemic episodes because the mechanism of the drug is, in part, to raise potassium. Blood pressure was a little ...
Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) is an herbal drug. It contains chemicals called cannabinoids, including delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The cannabinoids in cannabis work by ...