美国联邦储备委员会(美联储)当地时间18日宣布,将联邦基金利率目标区间下调50个基点,降至4.75%至5.00%之间的水平。这是美联储自2020年3月以来的首次降息,也标志着美国由货币政策紧缩周期向宽松周期的转向。 The U.S. Federal ...
The pocket-sized flying camera,that the world has come to love,That doesn't require a remote,and takes off in seconds。 With 10 automated flight modes,just got even better。 WAY better。 Introducing the ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)在联邦公开市场委员会会议后的新闻发布会上告诉记者,降息50个基点是为了表明官员们“有信心”当前劳动力市场的强劲势头能够在货币政策的“适当调整”的情况下持续下去,但市场仍在抛售。
China is actively promoting the modernization and revitalization of rural industries. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, significant progress has been made in both ...