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A simple method for preparing SERS silver films is proposed in this paper by electrodeposition in an amide-based liquid mixture (urea-acetamide-LiBr). The electrochemical behavior of silver in ...
As global demand for electrochemical electrodes continues to rise, a new trend has emerged, emphasizing the need to maintain ...
Glycerol is a key byproduct of biodiesel fabrication, and its production has increased proportionally with the growth of ...
As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, the development of advanced electrochemical devices, such as ...
A research team led by Prof. Yasuhiro Umebayashi and Dr. Jihae Han from Niigata University, along with Dr. Hikari Watanabe ...
Ibero Mining Corp., marking a pivotal shift in our strategy towards mineral resource exploration in the Iberian Peninsula. This new identity better reflects our focus on high-potential projects, ...
凭借 将微电子器件与光水解制绿氢的学科交叉融合,开发出低成本、低碳排的新型晶硅光伏技术及制绿氢技术,为全球能源短缺和气候危机提供新的解决方案, 季力成为 2023 年度《麻省理工科技评论》“35 岁以下科技创新 35 人”中国入选者之一。
凭借 将微电子器件与光水解制绿氢的学科交叉融合,开发出低成本、低碳排的新型晶硅光伏技术及制绿氢技术,为全球能源短缺和气候危机提供新的解决方案, 季力成为 2023 年度《麻省理工科技评论》“35 岁以下科技创新 35 人”中国入选者之一。
The field of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in marine environments is fraught with challenges, primarily due to the ...