More information: Bo Shi et al, Heavy-chain antibody targeting of CD38 NAD+ hydrolase ectoenzyme to prevent fibrosis in multiple organs, Scientific Reports (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-49450-1 ...
Using normal nuclear families recruited in a center for preventive medicine, significant familial correlations for plasma ACE levels were observed among genetically related individuals [9]; this ...
The olfactory system is a niche of continuous structural plasticity, holding postnatal proliferative neurogenesis in the olfactory bulbs and a population of immature neurons in the piriform cortex.
Immunotherapy has profoundly changed the treatment of gastric cancer, but only a minority of patients benefit from immunotherapy. Therefore, numerous studies have been devoted to clarifying the ...
Based on the team’s discovery that an enzyme called CD38, implicated in aging metabolism, is elevated in scleroderma and underlies fibrosis, they created an antibody engineered to selectively block ...
BSO: Buthionine sulfoximine; DMARD: Disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; H 2 S: Hydrogen sulfide; GSH: Glutathione; LUTS: Lower urinary tract syndromes; PDE5: Type 5 ...