潘玮柏以教授吃泡面短视频引发热议,视频中他对泡面制作流程详尽介绍,展现吃货本色,引发网友热评,甚至被戏称要取代谢霆锋成食神。以下是外媒报道。 双语文本 As someone who appreciates a piping hot bowl of instant noodles, all delicious recipes are welcomed. It seems singer-rapper ...
古罗马年轻富有的女子们日子是怎么过的?来看看Domitia 和她的姐妹。尽管在这个时代对妇女没有多少记录,Ray Laurence勾画出这些年轻女子在家的悠闲生活。讲演者:Ray Laurence, 动画制作:认知媒体公司 ...
Experience the ultimate night out at the Oriental Sunset Rooftop Party, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Shanghai ...
Mevlana Turkish Restaurant offers a Chicken Kebab Wrap (or Spaghetti & Meat Sauce) set meal for just RMB48 every Monday! It’s ...