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Shares of Petronet LNG have rallied nearly 90% since the month of November last year and that has left Petronet LNG's ...
In this review, our goal is to provide a detailed insight into the existing processes to expose various mechanistic challenges associated with FA dehydrogenation (FAD). Specifically, methodologies ...
Motiva announced that it has advanced its aromatics project by executing a license for Honeywell UOP’s aromatics technologies and is now undertaking engineering and design work. The project, planned ...
Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC (TAQA) and JERA Co., Inc (JERA) announced the successful financial closing of Najim Cogeneration Company Limited, a new industrial steam and electricity ...
However, the electrocatalytic oxidation of glycerol reaction (RGOR) is complex, involving dehydrogenation, adsorption/desorption, and C-C bond breaking of reaction intermediates, posing challenges to ...