These groups may face a higher risk of health complications, particularly during strenuous walks of up to 25 km in a day ...
Of these 288, 108 were notified with TB, 46 received chemoprophylaxis, 117 received no treatment, 5 received BCG and 12 failed to attend. 252 children had paired Mantoux and IGRA. Of these, 18/44 (41% ...
I am a medical professional with 20 years of experience working with government hospitals and 10 years in oil & Gas Industry as Emergency Response Doctor-Medic in vessel / rig health care area. I wish ...
In clinical phase 2 studies, another 8-aminoquinoline, tafenoquine, has been shown to be effective in 86 or 89% when given in 200 or 400 mg weekly doses, respectively, for up to 13 weeks in Kenya ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and ...
A healthy 32-year-old gravida 1 para 0 at 38 4/7 weeks' gestation was admitted to labor and delivery at 5 PM in labor. Her history and prenatal course were uncomplicated. She had a negative group ...
A 35-year-old man presented with polyarthritis and constitutional symptoms, and a recent history of multiple tick bites and skin rash on trekking holiday. He did not respond to oral doxycycline and ...