et al. Capecitabine as adjuvant treatment for stage III colon cancer. N Engl J Med. 2005 Jun 30;352(26):2696-704. [8]曾卫强、沈静、龚倩. 肿瘤治疗药学监护路径 [M]. 上海:上海世界图书出版共识,2019.1. [9]金瑶,佟志强,董梅,蔡爽.东北三省超说明书用药专家共识(实体瘤 ...
2024年欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)年会将于9月13~17日在西班牙巴塞罗那隆重举行。目前,ESMO官网已在线公布了入选壁报的题目。为方便读者了解消化肿瘤领域的最新进展,消化时讯小编特别整理了消化肿瘤领域中国专家的壁报汇总,供读者参考,如有缺漏和错误 ...
XELOX(oxaliplatin intravenous infusion and capecitabine, 奥沙利铂静脉输注和卡培他滨)用于其余研究。 我们发现极低质量的证据表明云芝(以提取物云芝多糖(polysaccharide-Krestin, PSK)的形式)辅助治疗对因不良事件退出治疗的影响很小或几乎没有影响(风险比(risk ratio ...
Argyriou et al. 7 7 Argyriou AA, Velasco R, Briani C, Cavaletti G, Bruna J, Alberti P, et al. Peripheral neurotoxicity of oxaliplatin in combination with 5-Fluorouracil (FOLFOX) or capecitabine (XELOX ...
A Anvisa aprovou o registro do genérico Capecitabina, medicamento indicado para o tratamento de câncer de mama, câncer de cólon e reto e câncer gástrico em condições estabelecidas na bula. Esse é o ...
The drug was withdrawn and the antihypertensive therapy was modified.4 Acute aortic dissection relating to therapy with sorafenib, another antiangiogenic drug, and chemotherapy consisting of ...