According to the National Maritime Council (NMC), the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)-deployed ship to replace BRP Teresa ...
The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) ship deployed as a replacement for the BRP Teresa Magbanua has moved closer to Escoda Shoal, ...
【文/观察者网 熊超然】当地时间9月14日,美国海军协会新闻网(USNI News)援引社交媒体上发布的船舶自动识别系统(AIS)信息报道称,此前长期非法滞留在中国南沙群岛仙宾礁的菲律宾海警船“特雷莎·马格巴努亚”号(BRP Teresa ...
National Security Adviser Eduardo Año on Friday said the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has sent a ship to Escoda Shoal as a ...
菲律宾星期天(9月15日)将部署于萨比纳浅滩(The Sabina Shoal,中国称仙宾礁,菲律宾称艾斯柯达浅滩)的大型巡逻舰“特雷莎·马格巴努亚”号(BRP Teresa Magbanua)撤回港口,马尼拉随后表示将派遣另一艘舰艇前往该处争议水域 ...
Some 60 hungry and dehydrated Philippine Coast guard personnel returned home to Palawan aboard BRP Teresa Magbanua (MRRV-9701 ...
据路透社当地时间9月15日报道,菲律宾海岸警卫队和国家海事委员会当天扬言,菲方将派遣另一艘船只前往仙宾礁,以取代“完成任务后已经返回港口”的菲海警9701号。菲律宾国家海事委员会发言人亚历山大·洛佩兹(Alexander ...
For enduring harassment and hardships while maintaining the Philippines’ presence in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), Senator ...
The BRP Teresa Magbanua vessel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has left Escoda Shoal in the West Philippine Sea, ...
In tears, Lieutenant Efren Duran Jr., gave a salute and apologized to Philippine Coast Guard Palawan District Commander Captain Dennis Labay after his ship, BRP Teresa Magbanua, returned to Palawan ...