Volcanic activity alters the Earth's surface and promotes the development of new ecosystems, providing valuable models for ...
For centuries, perfumers in Kannauj – known as the perfume capital of India – have been making mitti attars, capturing that ...
1 Drug Research Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 2 Marbio, Faculty for Fisheries, Biosciences and Economy, UiT—The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway As ...
This distinctive aroma is scientifically called "petrichor." In Greek, "petra" means "stone," and "ichor" refers to "the ...
[Influence of perfluorodecalin on growth of actinomycetes and intensification of Streptomycin and daunorubicin production by the genus Streptomyces kind bacteria in submerged culture].
In this study, they found that it was easier to support bacteria rather than fungi at various sites in the rhizosphere soil ...
Is it really a big deal if you use garden soil for your potted plants? Learn what makes these types of soil different, and ...
厄氏菌属(学名:Oerskovia)为原小单孢菌科的一属细菌。该属的模式种为骚动厄氏菌(Oerskovia turbata)。 Quick Facts 厄氏菌属, 科学分类 ... Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids. Every time you click a link to Wikipedia, Wiktionary or Wikiquote ...
Processed minimally, garden soil retains microbes that were in the original natural soil including bacteria, protozoa, fungi, actinomycetes, and nematodes, along with others left over from composting.
高温多孢菌属(学名:Thermopolyspora)为链孢囊菌科的一属细菌。此属的模式种为波曲多热孢菌(Thermopolyspora flexuosa)。 Quick Facts 高温多孢菌属, 科学分类 ... Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids. Every time you click a link to Wikipedia, ...
Nature has been a source of constant inspiration for chemists, not only because of the enormous variety of chemical compounds that living organisms can produce, but also because of the ...