Dangerous mixtures: pesticides in combination can have unexpected effects on the development of honeybees. This is shown by a new study in which the last neonicotinoid still approved in the European ...
时间:2024-09-14 13:57 来源:厦门技术性贸易措施信息网 原文: 核心提示:2024年9月10日,巴西国家卫生监督局(ANVISA)发布1278号公共咨询文件,拟制订部分食品中啶虫脒等多种农药的最大残留限量。
The number of food safety alerts and fraud investigations exchanged between European member states went up in 2023. The European Commission, which manages ...
Agricultural pesticide use continues to threaten biodiversity, especially in insect species that provide important ecosystem ...
Optimized Adsorption of Small and Medium Molecules by a Biosorbent Based on Hevea Hulls. Journal of Materials Science and ...