U.S. Army Cyber Command’s 1st Information Operations Command is being deactivated as the Army moves infowarfare to smaller ...
Any night now, the astrophysicists tell us, a new star will appear in the night sky—about as bright as the North Star—the ...
If you’re an astrophile, you may remember earlier this year reading about a “once-in-a-lifetime” nova outburst that would ...
Rocky planets that are about earth-size, or maybe two to three times larger, will offer the best chances for simple microbial ...
Cosmic dust may have helped to kick-start life on Earth, new research suggests. The findings challenge a widely held ...
The scattered material swiftly accreted to form the Moon. This impact theory explains why lunar rocks have an isotope composition similar to those on Earth. The material that formed the Moon had a ...
There are soft explosions in Liz Collins’s textiles. From the atomic nexuses of 12 embroideries and weavings, an energy both ...
Astronomers predict that a bright new star will soon appear in the night sky as a result of a cosmic explosion that occurred ...
This splendid new account of the 40th president’s life shows that Reagan’s influence doesn’t loom so large 35 years after he ...
U.S. maritime policy is a grievous failure. Whether evaluated in terms of effectively meeting national security requirements ...
We have allowed the American ruling class to abstract themselves almost entirely from their substantive political positions ...