On Sept. 17, 1789, the British astronomer William Herschel discovered Saturn's "Death Star" moon, Mimas. Of course, "Star ...
Scientific discovery is a funny thing. Sometimes it occurs quite accidentally, sometimes after a conscious search. A perfect example of the latter is the ...
A new catalog providing information on millions of distant galaxies, which determines their distances with unprecedented ...
In 1785, William Herschel discerned that region as a “regular, concentric, dark spot in the middle.” But it wasn’t until decades later that Herschel’s son John noted the empty space was ...
We have all had a special cuddly teddy as a child. Some of us still have our teddy bear from our childhood. No matter what ...
When William Herschel found the first of these "last gasps" of dying stars, they reminded him of the disks of planets and he named them planetary nebulae. (Although we now understand that there is ...
The key to settling the debate about the organization of the universe turned out to be a fuzzy object that had been observed and cataloged by many observers (including William Herschel ...
William Herschel identified M31 as “undoubtedly the nearest of all the great nebulae” and estimated its distance to be about 18,000 light-years. Coincidentally, in 1783 his sharp-eyed sister ...
It is well known that the science of double stars was founded by the illustrious Sir William Herschel, about one hundred and twenty years ago. While observing closely associated stars for relative ...
CAROLINE HERSCHEL: Are they recording? William, press record will you? WILLIAM HERSCHEL: We are rolling, Caz, chill out. CAROLINE HERSCHEL: Oh hello SciTubers! I am Caroline Herschel and this ...
NASA's Hubble space telescope has its eyes on the Bubble nebula, one of the most fascinating objects lying in deep space. Officially named NGC 7635, the Bubble nebula resides in the constellation ...