The 7.37c meta heroes nicked the spotlight in Dota 2 TI13 due to their efficient impact throughout the tournament. We also saw them banned most of the time or picked within the first two slots.
Dota 2 TI Grand Finals are infamous for their repeated hero and meta drafting in most matches. Reminiscent of the TI3 Grand ...
The TI13 stage took people's breath away when they first entered the arena, but what makes it so special and how can it be ...
Team Liquid is your TI13 Champion, breaking their age-old second-place curse that has hung over them for seven tournaments to ...
9 月 15 日消息,在昨晚举行的《DOTA2》TI13 败者组第四轮淘汰赛中,XG 0:2 负于 Tuntra 止步 6 强,至此本届 TI 中国战队已经全部淘汰。 第一局阵容: Tundra:Pure 德鲁伊、Topson ...
而在更早开始的败者组上半区第三轮中,Team Falcons 则淘汰了来自东欧赛区的 BetBoom Team。这也意味着 XG 成为 TI13 六强中唯一一支非西欧赛区战队 。 紧接着败者组第三轮的是胜者组第二轮,Team Liquid 与 ...
9月15日,Dota 2的盛会——国际邀请赛TI13总决赛正式落下帷幕。在这场备受瞩目的比赛中,夺冠多年的"千年老二"Team Liquid与新兴挑战者Gamin Gladiators ...
DOTA2的世界由天辉和夜魇两个阵营所辖区域组成,有上、中、下三条主要的作战道路相连接,中间以河流为界。每个阵营分别由五位玩家所扮演的英雄担任守护者,他们将以守护己方远古遗迹并摧毁敌方远古遗迹为使命,通过提升等级、赚取金钱、购买装备和击杀敌方英雄等手 ...
Meanwhile Team Liquid's current offlaner, 33, is now a two-time TI champ. He last garnered his 1st trophy back in The ...
IT之家 9 月 16 日消息,在今天凌晨结束的《DOTA2》TI13 总决赛上,Team Liquid(液体)3:0 大胜 Gaimin Gladiators 夺得本届国际邀请赛冠军,获得近 116 万美元(IT之家备注:当前约 824.7 ...
9月16日凌晨,国际邀请赛TI13总决赛落下帷幕。TeamLiquid(液体)战队以3:0的大比分战胜GaiminGladiators,夺得了本届比赛的冠军,并赢得了近824.7万元人民币的奖金。值得一提的是,这已经是液体战队时隔7年再次获得 ...