A recent issue requiring the replacement of some Tacoma automatic transmissions sheds some doubt on the automaker’s ...
美《国家利益》杂志日前推出全球最强主战坦克排行榜。上榜的5款主战坦克中,俄罗斯独占2票——Т-14“阿玛塔”和Т-90М。另3票分别被以色列、美国和韩国瓜分。据称,上榜的5款坦克各有千秋,它们以完备的装甲、强大的武器和先进的系统堪称现代战场上的“威严 ...
美国国防部监察长于周三(11)发布的一份报告指出,台湾去年12月收到美国「总统拨款权」(PDA)军事援助物资「无法使用」(unserviceable),报告中提到,美军未能有效做好控管。美国在台协会(AIT)官员指出,这让 ...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has chosen the location for its 45,000-square-foot Tacoma Temple. It’ll be in Federal Way, the church announced Monday. The name and location isn’t a ...
The victim said he wanted to “get away” from his girlfriend for awhile, a man told Wisconsin police. An hour later, he was lying dead on the floor of his apartment.