9月19日,时代电气跌0.83%,成交额2.28亿元,换手率1.92%,总市值605.41亿元。 根据AI大模型测算时代电气后市走势。短期趋势看,连续2日被主力资金减仓。主力没有控盘。中期趋势方面,上方有一定套牢筹码积压。近期筹码关注程度减弱。舆情分析来看,12家机构预测目标均价56.32,高于当前价31.31%。目前市场情绪极度悲观。 异动分析 柔性直流输电+特高压+海工装备+第三代半导体+光伏 ...
Other work may be delayed because a $1.66 billion bid was $300 million more than the rail authority had budgeted.
Hitachi Energy has called for immediate action to expand and strengthen global power grids to support the clean energy ...
The Khavda Phase-IV Part-A project will evacuate 7GW of renewable energy from Khavda Solar Park into India’s national grid.
Energy and Petroleum Cabinet Secretary Opiyo Wandayi has explained the reason for the power outages experienced across the ...
Adani Energy Solutions Limited (AESL) acquires the special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the Khavda Phase-IV Part-A transmission project to facilitate the evacuation of 7 GW of renewable energy from the ...
Energy and Petroleum Cabinet Secretary Opiyo Wandayi has come out to explain the cause of the Friday morning power outage ...
The Khavda transmission project includes the installation of a 300 MVAr STATCOM, a first for AESL, ensuring grid stability and safety. This infrastructure is crucial for the evacuation of energy ...
The project also includes setting up of 300 MVAr STATCOM and 3x1500 MVA, 765/400 kV Inter-connecting Transformer (ICTs) with 1x330 MVAr, 765 kV and 1x125 MVAr, 420 kV bus reactors.