Bacteria that can cause a number of infections was discovered at a new maternity hospital weeks after it was officially ...
Pseudomonas guryensis is a Gram-negative, aerobic and rod-shaped bacterium from the genus of Pseudomonas which has been isolated from soil. [1] [2] Quick Facts Pseudomonas guryensis, Scientific ...
Pseudomonas rhizosphaerae is a Gram-negative, strictly aerobic, non-spore-forming, motile, rod-shaped bacterium found in rhizospheric soil of grasses in Spain. [1] The type strain is LMG 21640. Quick ...
Copper is an essential enzyme cofactor in bacteria, but excess copper is highly toxic. Bacteria can cope with copper stress by increasing copper resistance and initiating chemorepellent response.
Leaking pipes have caused £4m worth of damage to the Acute Mental Health Inpatient Centre at Belfast City Hospital. It is the ...
BiomX Inc. PHGE recently announced the presentation of data from its Phase 1b/2a study for BX004 — a fixed multi-phage ...
This document has been published in the Federal Register. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format.
Healthcare facilities are particularly vulnerable to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), and biofilms that form in ...
In promising experiments, phage therapy forces bacteria into a no-win dilemma that lowers their defenses against drugs they’d ...