God makes the first move in people s lives with benevolent acts of grace, but why hasn t your neighbor or brother, or friend ...
Two decades after New Calvinism, some young Christians are turning to Methodist history for theological sustenance.
our understanding and of receiving prevenient grace. As new tools become available to prevent overdose-related deaths, we open up opportunities for God’ people to have a second chance.
"And I also love her enough to tell her the truth." The bestselling author backed the theological doctrine of total depravity, that is that no one is able to choose to be saved apart from the ...
The most important problem for Caesarius was the efficiency of the bishop's fulfillment of his pastoral duties. By that time, preaching had already become part of the standard church service in Gaul; ...
John Wesley preaching outside a church (19th-century engraving). Early Methodists were forbidden from preaching in parish churches. John Wesley was the longtime president of the Methodist Conference, ...