Frances Pencheon, defending Ghafoor, said: “It was a short-lived moment of madness against a backdrop of what was said to him ...
Frances Pencheon, defending Ghafoor, said: “It was a short-lived moment of madness against a backdrop of what was said to him, and a backdrop of what was happening in town that day.” Jailing the pair, ...
Prosecutor Frances Pencheon told Bradford Crown Court that most of the 35 cannabis plants being grown at the rented house in Back Lane had been taken during the burglary. However, following his ...
Miss Pencheon said police initially asked Birkbeck to pull over because he was driving a car insured to a woman driver. In a police video shown to the court, Birkbeck, who was heading north ...
His barrister, Frances Pencheon, said he was the custodian of the drugs. They did not belong to him. He had bought the car two days earlier after keeping out of trouble for four years. Since being ...
For Starr, Frances Pencheon said he had left the house he burgled in April immediately after he realised the householder was in. He didn’t have a drug or alcohol problem but had reverted to his ...
Morbey and Rodrigues went down 2 – 0 to Bill Frederick and Mervin Mingo from Dominica 21-18, 21-14 and then lost 2 – 1 to Jedediah Pencheon and Komarr Fraites from St. Kitt’s & Nevis by a ...