环磷酸腺苷/蛋白激酶A/环磷酸腺苷反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP/PKA/CREB)信号通路:环磷酸腺苷在各种反馈机制和细胞信号转导中是 ...
Kemptide 是一种合成肽,常用于蛋白质激酶A(PKA)的底物研究。Kemptide 的氨基酸序列为 Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly,其中的丝氨酸(Ser)是 PKA 磷酸化的主要位点。 在研究中,Kemptide 被广泛用来检测 PKA 的活性,因为它是 PKA 的特异性底物。通过观察 Kemptide 中丝氨酸的 ...
Seinfeld was the biggest sitcom on television during the time it aired on NBC. Created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld, the ...
Here, we report that Wnt3a either induces O-GlcNAcylation rapidly via the Ca 2+-PKA-Gfat1 axis, or increases it in a Wnt-β-catenin-dependent manner following prolonged stimulation. Importantly, we ...
Fox News Digital spoke to voters in Pittsburgh on Thursday, where Vice President Harris is reportedly conducting debate prep.
Our country is in this sad state because there has been no serious political will for decades to eradicate corruption in the ...
8 月 31 日消息,8 月 30 日,外媒 Gamereactor 发布了在今年科隆游戏展期间对《最终幻想 14》总监吉田直树的采访。采访中,他重申了去年提出的将《最终幻想 14》引入 Xbox 系列、《最终幻想 16》9 月 17 日登陆 PC ...
Bancreek Capital Advisors, with only seven months of history as a firm, is too nascent to prove whether it has an edge over the competition, leading to a Below Average Parent Pillar rating. The ...
本报讯(记者雷嘉)2026年以前北京市要建立库容10万株以上的微生物菌种保藏库,新增专利保藏菌株约1万株,新增3家合成生物制造上市企业,初步形成1至2个百亿级产业集聚区。近日,市科委、中关村管委会联合市发改委、市经信局印发《北京市加快合成生物制造产业创新发展行动计划(2024-2026年)》,加快布局本市合成生物制造产业。 当前,基因编辑、基因测序等前沿生物技术加速突破,以合成生物技术为底层支撑的 ...