PhoSul, a pioneering fertilizer company, is proud to introduce its innovative phosphate fertilizer solution that is setting a ...
包括四川、重庆、贵州、云南四省(市)及湖北西部、陕西南部冬油菜区。 (1)依据测土配方施肥结果,参照《全国油菜产区氮肥定额用量(试行)》,确定氮磷钾肥合理用量。 (2)直播油菜施足基肥保苗促发,移栽油菜适当降低基施用量,氮肥分次施用 ...
The fertilizer additive market demand is estimated to be worth USD 1,167.62 million in 2023 and is projected to be valued at ...
The fertilizer additive market demand is estimated to be worth USD 1,167.62 million in 2023 and is projected to be valued at ...
要将有机肥与化肥的科学搭配施用,推荐(N-P2O5-K2O)16-16-10、15-18-7或相近配方。 (二)科学配方施肥。应根据土壤肥力和小麦产量等确定基施配方肥用量,亩产400~500公斤的地块,亩施配方肥40公斤;亩产500~600公斤地块,亩施配方肥50公斤;亩产600公斤以上 ...
证券之星消息,2024年9月18日金正大(002470)发布公告称公司于2024年9月13日组织现场参观活动,海通证券张海榕参与。 具体内容如下: 问:公司上半年经营情况如何?
Fall is the best time to apply phosphorus and potassium for the spring growing season. In contrast, much of the nitrogen applied to tall fescue and smooth bromegrass hay meadows and pastures goes on ...