Now, run the same alignment process for the O104:H4 strain's data. Make sure to specify a different sample name via the -R '@RG... flag incantation to specify the identity of the data in the BAM file ...
The 2011 Germany E. coli O104:H4 outbreak is the deadliest bacterial foodborne outbreak in Europe. More than 3,950 infections were reported and caused the death of 53 people. A handful of cases were ...
The 5 reads whose headers start with SRR227300 were sequenced from the E. coli O104:H4 strain. The 5 reads whose headers start with SRR032501 were sequenced from the Yersinia rohdei ATCC_43380 strain.
The Avigilon H4 Multisensor camera combines self-learning video analytics with exceptional coverage, featuring 3 or 4 individually-configurable sensors that can be positioned to monitor virtually any ...
When a spouse of a H category visa holder travels to the US with children under the age of 21, the H4 visa is typically granted to the children. An interview is required before a person is given an H4 ...
2018. Host-specific differences in the contribution of an ESBL IncI1 plasmid to intestinal colonization by Escherichia coli O104:H4. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2018 Feb 28. doi: 10.1093/jac/dky037. 19.
ATCC 11775 = CCUG 24 = CCUG 29300 = CIP 54.8 = DSM 30083 = JCM 1649 = LMG 2092 = NCCB 54008 = NCTC 9001 大肠杆菌是一种两端钝圆、能运动、无芽孢的革兰氏阴性、兼性厌氧、杆状、大肠埃希氏菌属细菌,常见于小肠 ...
JZ-O104型液化石油气蒸气压测定仪是根据GB/T6602《液化石油气蒸气压测定法》设计、制造的。适用于沸点高于0℃、烃的体积含量 ...