In September 2024, CNN reported that misuse of laughing gas (nitrous oxide, N₂O) is a popular method for some young people to ...
Galaxy Gas has become a popular trend among seekers of nitrous oxide gas, but what does it do? How is it supposed to be used?
Teens are getting high by inhaling canisters of nitrous oxide — specifically one called Galaxy Gas. The legitimate use of the ...
The Government’s crackdown on the recreational supply or use of nitrous oxide seems at odds with research ranking it the ...
Galaxy Gas says it is "deeply concerned" about social media trends showing misuse of its nitrous oxide products to do ...
An unusual trend has taken over the minds of numerous young people that is seemingly a great risk to their health. The ...
Videos of teens getting light headed, falling over and crashing cars are circulating on social media and getting millions of ...
Videos of kids inhaling Galaxy Gas have taken off on social media, leading to new concerns about the dangers of abusing ...
(纽媒NZ HERALD照片) (惠灵顿22日综合电)纽西兰卫生部宣布,将重拳打击一氧化二氮(Nitrous oxide,俗称笑气)的娱乐性用途,出售或使用笑气最高可被处以两年监禁或罚款50万纽币(约131万令吉),个人持有笑气可被罚款最高500纽币 ...
A TikTok-fueled surge in inhalant use is endangering kids’ lives, researchers warn. In a new study, the researchers have ...
Nitrous oxide emissions from water resource recovery facilities have long been under-estimated say Amanda Lake, Aprilia ...
NYU president Linda Mills brought climate policy experts to the Silver Center for a Wednesday night panel focusing on how ...