Set up a Linux file server with Samba in about 30 minutes for full control over network storage. Samba is ideal for file ...
什么是Responder? Responder 是一款开源的网络协议欺骗工具,主要用于在本地网络中捕获和利用NetBIOS、LLMNR和MDNS协议中的漏洞。通过Responder,攻击者可以进行中间人攻击(MITM),捕获凭据,甚至进行网络钓鱼攻击。它是渗透测试和红队操作的重要工具之一。
Over the years, I’ve repeatedly heard that Windows NT is a very advanced operating system and, being a Unix person myself, it ...
If set to 1, the domain's SAM-compatible name (also known as the NetBIOS name) is used for the include_realm option. This is the default. If set to 0, the true realm name from the Kerberos user ...
ufw_etc_default_ipv6 [default: true]: Set to yes to apply rules to support IPv6 ufw_etc_default_manage_builtins [default: false]: By default, ufw only touches its own chains. Set this to 'yes' to have ...
如果多个线程同时读写字典,可能会导致数据损坏、异常甚至程序崩溃。为了解决这个问题,有几种常见的方法可以确保字典的线程安全。本文将介绍这些方法,并提供相应的示例代码。 在多线程环境中使用C#的字典(Dictionary<TKey, TValue>)时,开发者需要格外 ...