68000 microprocessors appeared in the earliest Apple Macintoshes, the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST, and the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive among other familiar systems. If you were alive during the 16 ...
它拥有首款Apple II的一切性能,但重量仅有3.4公斤。 麦金塔电脑经典版(Macintosh Classic)——1990年 100 苹果麦金塔电脑零售价首次降到了1,000美元以下,采用8MHz处理器、9寸显示屏及4M内存。
IT之家 7 月 17 日消息,闪极 Retro 麦金塔 20W 氮化镓充电器套装现已开售,官方称创意来自苹果 1984 年发布的麦金塔 Macintosh,套装含 1 米双 C 口复古线 ...
We’re going to find people buying Macintoshes for their own use, or for use in a dormitory, or for use in a corner of a corporation that might never have gotten a computer before. The Lisa was in ...
得益于处理器的性能提升,以及用户对不同场景的需求,这两年迷你主机市场再度火爆起来。纤小的体积,就算是紧凑的桌面 ...
The 45-pin connector was only supported by a handful of computers, mainly the first-generation Power Macintoshes. An adaptor could be purchased to use a standard display with these Macs, but adapting ...
This has given the company a de facto gatekeeper role on these products that it does not enforce on Macintoshes which, in turn, has led to modern concerns over antitrust violations. As it stands ...
充电头恐怕是生活中最为常见的,大的小的无非是体积上有些差异,外型上来讲万变不离其宗。复古潮玩充电头有些另类 ...
这款AM01S迷你主机的设计与之前的产品大致相同,仍然受到了苹果麦金塔计算机设计的启发。不过,它配备了一个可调角度翻转屏,可以作为副屏 ...
It was clear though that such talk was further hampering sales of Apple's then mostly lackluster Power Macintoshes and ...
This board contains a 68000 CPU (as used in several Macintoshes and Amigas), 32 kB of RAM, and a ROM program called TUTOR. Lacking any keyboard or monitor connections, the only way to communicate ...