What is “Grass Tetany” and when are cattle most likely to have it? Grass tetany, also known as spring tetany, grass staggers, ...
The drugs include nicarbazin, known to cause birth defects and hormonal problems in animals, and lasalocid, linked to heart problems. A third drug, dimetridazole (DMZ), has never been properly ...
Monensin is an ionophore, a class of antibiotic-like compounds. Monensin (Rumensin), lasalocid (Bovatec), and laidlomycin propionate (Cattlyst) are a few of the commercially available ionophores ...
Following is an excerpt from a 2013 TSLN story by Jan Swan Wood: Bovatec®, with the scientific name of lasalocid, is most often used for cattle in pasture or on forage. Rumensin®, or monensin, is used ...
The UK has in place a statutory veterinary residue surveillance scheme in fulfilment of its obligations retained under the Official Controls Regulation 2017/625 and, Council Directive 96/22/EC. This ...