Beans, or pulses, are the edible seeds of plants from the Fabaceae (aka Leguminosae) family. With nearly 20,000 species, this is the third largest of all flowering plant families. While wild species ...
For the last twenty years an international group of legume researchers, including myself, has been studying the taxonomy of the pantropical genus Caesalpinia and its allied genera in the pea and beans ...
Few birds are more common throughout the United States than this gentle and harmless little Bunting. It inhabits the towns, villages, orchards, gardens, borders of fields, and prairie grounds.
This may be said to be the only species of Black-bird found in the United States that is not constantly subjected to persecution. You would suppose it fully aware of its privileges, were you to ...
Canoes are deeply ingrained elements of the Caiçara culture, not only for their historical and current practical uses, but also for their socio-cultural outcomes. Caiçara people are the descendants of ...
This species belongs to the leguminosae family, and every part of the tamarind tree, namely the wood, bark, leaves, and fruits, may be used in many different ways. Tamarind has been utilized as ...
THE history of the East India Company is of interest to men of science from the evidence it affords of a sustained and enlightened desire to increase the natural knowledge of the economic ...
Revolving around a humble seed, we cover nearly everything from seed morphology and digestive problems to the beautiful smell of racing car engines and James Bond-style murder. Known as 'castor beans' ...
I would put the peas and beans (leguminosae) in with the brassicas if space allows. Neither does this crop rotation allow much time before the potatoes are back in the same bed and the lime left over ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. The Florida Entomologist Vol. 91, No. 3, Sep., 2008 Larval Parasitoids Associated to Anastre ...
2020. Exploration of plastid phylogenomic conflict yields new insights into the deep relationships of Leguminosae. Systematic Biology was first used in Zhang R, Wang ...
Mengutip jurnal Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Daging Buah Asam Keranji (Dialium Indum) oleh Ulva Usliana, buah asam kranji atau dalam bahasa latin dikenal dengan Dialium Indum merupakan famili dari ...