One of the oldest treatments for epilepsy is the classic ketogenic diet, which involves consuming high-fat foods and very few carbohydrates. Johns Hopkins is a longstanding pioneer in this mode of ...
Usually, a true ketogenic diet is used for the control of refractory epilepsy. It’s extremely difficult to follow this diet, and it must be strictly followed in order to have an effect on ...
Current nonpharmacologic treatments include the vagus nerve stimulator, the ketogenic diet, and resective epilepsy surgery. The vagus nerve stimulator was approved in 1997 by the US Food and Drug ...
Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects up to 20 % of reproductive-age individuals and is strongly linked to obesity. The impacts of ketogenic diet on fertility in people with PCOS are ...
Ketogenic diet therapy (KDT), a group of high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets, are an effective treatment option for children and young people with drug-resistant epilepsy, but around half of children and ...
The therapeutic ketogenic diet provides an alternative energy source to reduce anxiety and normalize inflammation TKD is beneficial in neurological conditions such as seizure disorders, and there is ...
In addition, by excluding studies involving populations with diagnosed epilepsy, the review may overlook the potentially significant effects of the ketogenic diet in these groups. Since ketogenic ...
Dietary modifications can sometimes be beneficial for preventing certain types of seizures. When used to treat drug-resistant epilepsy, the ketogenic diet is designed as a high-fat, no-carbohydrate ...
The participants were instructed to follow a ketogenic diet, with approximately 10% of the calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein and 60% from fat. They were not told to count calories.