China's trade remedy investigations against the EU were launched at the request of domestic industries, in full compliance with Chinese law and World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations. These ...
China on Saturday started an anti-dumping investigation into halogenated butyl rubber imported from Canada, Japan and India.
The EU's recent anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles sparks debate. Though intended to safeguard its ...
The EU's recent anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles sparks debate. Though intended to safeguard its ...
负责调查拉梅戈杜罗河消防直升机坠毁事件的机构已经听取了飞行员和目击者的证词,并完成了 "实地调查阶段的基本工作"。 飞机和铁路事故预防与调查办公室(GPIAAF)在发给卢萨通讯社的一份声明中称,"已经完成了事故调查实地阶段的基本工作",事故发生在 ...
欧盟委员会20日进行了对华电动汽车反补贴调查终裁披露。中国商务部当天对此回应称,欧方此举是以“公平竞争”为名行“不公平竞争”之实,中方将采取一切必要措施,坚决捍卫中国企业的正当权益。 欧盟方面对中国电动汽车的所谓“反补贴调查”于去年 ...