Abstract: The denoising of phase is a crucial process that impacts the accuracy of data processing in differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar. Especially in the area of large-gradient ...
Gebbie, H. A., Habell, K. J., and Middleton, S. P., Proceedings of the Conference on Optical Instruments 1961 (Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London, 1962).
The historic first image of the Messier 87 (M87) supermassive black hole, captured using the Event Horizon Telescope, has ...
Encardio Rite's Infinitus approach integrates cutting-edge technologies and comprehensive monitoring solutions to help ...
"It increases the risk that the entire observing bandwidth is affected by UEMR for the entire duration of the observation." ...
Zhong Lu is the Shuler-Foscue Chair in the Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences.
Planet Earth has changed dramatically over the past few years: rising of the sea level, increasing levels of ocean ...
差分干涉合成孔径雷达(Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, D-InSAR)是一种测量地表微小形变的技术,广泛应用于地表形变监测、地震、火山活动、冰川流动等多个领域。D-InSAR技术利用了两幅从不同时间获取的SAR影像,通过对比分析两幅影像获取的相位 ...