Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy of isoniazid in prevention of tuberculosis morbidity and mortality in children aged 15 years or younger by performing a meta-analysis of randomized ...
Ethambutol (EMB) and isoniazid (INH) are the first-line antituberculosis (anti-TB) drugs. However, their neurotoxicity could cause adverse effect and the patients with end-stage renal disease are ...
President Donald Trump has made drug prices a core issue of his administration, causing consternation among US drug ...
Even the suggestion that isoniazid be continued was followed by a severe anxiety reaction on the part of this patient and made further therapy with this drug impossible. It seems likely that the ...
The union government has approved a shorter and more effective treatment regimen for multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. This ...
It is not hereditary and appears later in life. It shares the underlying cause of angioedema with HAE and the angioedema symptoms may be treated with some of the same medications as HAE. In addition, ...
In my pharmacy practice we recently fell short and were unable to fill a prescription for isoniazid due to a national shortage of the drug. It gave me pause to think that even old reliable drugs ...
Treatments can help prevent HAE attacks from occurring. Some medications replace the C1-INH protein your body is missing. Others block a substance called bradykinin that causes swelling during HAE ...
If lifestyle changes alone don’t allow you to meet your blood sugar and A1C goals, your doctor may prescribe medication. Here are some factors you and your doctor may consider when deciding ...