They came in at just 43.3c, which is pretty chilly for RAM, with the other 8000 MHz kit we tested coming in at 49c, that’s quite a drop in temperature.
However, it’s their way of showing that their timings are tighter than what you might usually see for 8000 MHz memory, running at an impressive CL36-48-48-126 and running at just 1.45v..
The swimmer and Strictly Come Dancing star eats almost four times the number of recommended daily calories and puts away five litres - almost nine pints - of water a day Adam Peaty has announced ...
Many laptops and gaming handhelds share a single pool of memory between the CPU and GPU — and sometimes, you might want that RAM boosting your graphics instead. Now, AMD won’t make you dive ...
Ram is recalling over 1.2 million examples of its 1500 pickup trucks that range from the 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 model years. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s recall ...
Hundreds of people have been donating money to charity in memory of a Great North Run participant ... However, following the tragic news, over £8,000 has so far been raised for the charity ...
Apple never publicly advertises the amount of RAM included in iPhones, but MacRumors has confirmed that all four iPhone 16 models are equipped with 8GB of RAM for Apple Intelligence. We uncovered ...
But if you prefer the powered promised by the 12-core Snapdragon X Elite, or if you want a VivoBook S 15 now, the discounted model that's on sale is your best bet.
These new Navi 44 and 48 cards will likely be sold under the Radeon RX 8000 family branding, marking AMD’s first step into an entirely new generation of desktop GPUs. Huynh rightly analyses that ...
There’s no confirmed Radeon RX 8000 release date yet, but rumors suggest it will be early 2025 before we see them. If you can’t hold on that long, our favorite current-gen AMD GPU is still the ...