To the writers of the New Testament, however, the most typical form of the teachings of Jesus was the parable: "He said nothing to them without a parable" (Matt. 13:34). But the Greek word ...
Nocchi Macedo said it confirms assessments that the Infancy Gospel of Thomas was originally written in Greek. After ...
Okay, so about that "H." The Chi Rho monogram is often used to represent Jesus Christ's name. It consists of the first two ...
God is odd about sex. The Bible and Christian writings are odder yet. If all this weirdness affected only believers, it would ...
Americans also love their car-bumper stickers, especially ones that piously ask, “What would Jesus do?” The question acts as ...
(8:23) These themes of light and dark, knowing and unknowing, converge in the crucifixion of Jesus. John makes a deliberate pun on the Greek word "to be crucified", which also means "to be lifted up." ...
In an exclusive interview, evangelical ethicist Richard Hays talks about repenting of his position on LGBTQ+ inclusion.
God loves everyone. God loves everyone unconditionally. God is love, so it would go against his nature, his being, to be any ...
Jesus uses Peter’s boat as a way to teach a large crowd ... In the original Greek, the expression “catching” has a special meaning. The Greek word is It indicates ζωγρέω and it means you are giving ...
Ahead of the spookiest month of the year, a superstitiously unlucky day falls this week. Yes, this Friday is that Friday; ...
Time is a funny thing. Some moments seem to linger, some seem to drag, and some seem to be over before they started. There are times that I want the clock to stop so I can savor a moment. There are ...
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). This is one ...