As the leaves change color and fall from the trees, most of us are busy closing up our gardens for the season. But don’t put ...
You can then use a simple calculation to pinpoint the soil type. Divide the height of one layer by the jar's total height, ...
Sphagnum moss works a lot like peat moss in helping the soil retain and promote water retention. Peat moss is made by ...
Are your marigolds not blooming the way they should? Here, we'll tell you the one fertilizer mistake you didn't know you were ...
Jeff recounts his favorite gardening column of all time, where he wrote about the intricate relationship between cluster ...
It’s time to put your garden to bed for winter. But first, you can prepare your garden for a smooth start to the next spring ...
Burr oak (Quercus macrocarpa): Oaks have a reputation for being an outstanding tree in the forest, but not the finest nursery ...
A solution to this garden task is to plant monogerm beet seeds, from which single seedlings emerge. Moneta and Alvro Mono are ...
Studies have shown lettuce to have high antioxidant compounds – red leaf being the highest – that help to fight certain types ...
With signs of spring blossom all around, a few days each week with warm sunshine makes one want to start planting out the ...
As the weather gets colder and wetter black spot is more likely to spread in gardens, a fungal disease which first appears as ...
If you spot recurring clusters of fungus in your grass, they are likely mushrooms. A gardening expert has shared a simple ...