The story of Frisia and the Frisians is one of a changing landscape, people, identity and name, as well as one of constant connections across the North Sea. For an understanding of the pre- and ...
The Frisians were at that time unique in Europe in that they did not adhere to the feudal system. In fact, since the time the Frisian territories had been part of the Frankish empire of Charlemagne, ...
The North Frisians in the Uthlande were ruled directly by the Danish king and were known as Königsfriesen or "King's Frisians". Only later did the Uthlande transfer to the Duchy of Schleswig, with the ...
Because the majority of his diocese was pagan, Eligius undertook the conversion of the Flemings, Antwerpians, Frisians, Suevi, and the barbarian tribes along the coast. When the body of St ...
Britain was considered a far-flung outpost of little value. At this time, the Jutes and the Frisians from Denmark were also settling in the British Isles, but the Anglo-Saxon settlers were ...
These settlers, tribes of Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians, may have first come to England as mercenaries in the Roman army. In the wake of the Roman withdrawal British leaders, perhaps under a ...
During the later 3rd century AD, another unit of auxiliaries arrived at Birdoswald. It appears that the Frisians – from the modern-day Netherlands – continued with their traditional lifestyles, and ...
From their mastery of the seas to their influence over lands as far from home as Russia and North America, the Scandinavian raiders known as the Vikings shaped the world for centuries. Swift and ...
The law also contains provisions for ethnic minorities in Germany. Frisians, for example, can give children a birth name ...
A Northumbrian missionary who spent his early years under the influence of St Wilfred, bishop of York, Willibrord was appointed bishop of the Frisians at Utrecht, during which he became known as the ...
Alfred is popularly credited as being the founder of the Royal Navy; he did build a fleet of improved ships manned by Frisians and on several occasions successfully challenged the Danes at sea. 875 ...
van Dijk, Evelien Mørkestøl Gundersen, Ingar de Bode, Anna Høeg, Helge Loftsgarden, Kjetil Iversen, Frode Timmreck, Claudia Jungclaus, Johann and Krüger, Kirstin 2023. Climatic and societal impacts in ...