From Qiskit Metal to pattern generation to real nanofabrication demo. Here, quantum devices on a chip are patterned via direct-write electron-beam lithography in a nanofabrication facility. Written & ...
While being cross-examined by the State company’s lawyer Colin Kangaloo, SC, Paddington maintained that he and his colleagues were acting on the directives of the Ministry of Sport when they entered ...
THE accounting expert who prepared a report on the financial statements of the Sport Company of Trinidad and Tobago (SporTT) was yesterday called as a witness in the multi-million-dollar negligence ...
A demonstration of process modeling, virtual wafer fabrication, and virtual metrology in process development of advanced logic and memory.
From Qiskit Metal to pattern generation to real nanofabrication demo. Here, quantum devices on a chip are patterned via direct-write electron-beam lithography in a nanofabrication facility. Written & ...