The Rings of Power‘s first season began telling a beautiful backstory about the legendary Doors of Durin. That magical gateway, which famously held up Frodo and his companions in The Fellowship ...
J.R.R. Tolkien wrote that Celebrimbor and the celebrated dwarf craftsman Narvi made the Doors of Durin together. The Rings of ...
One of the most celebrated symbols of J.R.R. Tolkien's work has finally made its debut in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2. In Episode 5, the iconic Doors of Durin are at last ...
In The Lord of the Rings, few pieces of iconography are more memorable than the doors of the Dwarven kingdom of Moria. Seen in The Fellowship of the Ring, the Doors of Durin are an unforgettable ...
The Doors of Durin are “un-breachable, visible only by moonlight, and guarded by a password known only to friends.” ( Or grey wizards who eventually figure it out long after they should have.
Forged out of the metal Ithildin by Celebrimbor and Narvi and used to guard Khazad-dum and the Mines of Moria, the Doors of Durin would later be seen as a near-impenetrable barrier between the ...