I am trained in EMDR and also integrate DBT and CBT into my therapy ... meet in class-like small groups to learn skills such as mindfulness, emotion regulation and distress tolerance.
Effective emotional regulation and mental well-being are crucial for students’ academic success and overall quality of life. In teaching students self-regulation techniques, it’s important to realize ...
Key Laboratory of Applied Psychology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China Introduction: Deaf students have more difficulties with emotion regulation due to their hearing loss. They are ...
Source: Adrienn / Pexels Technology usage as a form of emotion regulation The way we choose to engage with technology can be thought of as a type of emotion regulation, which refers to the range ...
For example, the reward circuits project to the medial orbitofrontal cortex, which helps us determine future actions based on the emotional information. Regulation of Emotion There are times in which ...
Specifically, participants in the experimental group are expected to exhibit higher level of positive body shifts in their perceptions of BI, more effective emotional regulation skills in contrast to ...
Emotional health (also called emotional well-being) is the ability to handle stress and emotional challenges. Being emotionally healthy does not mean you're always happy; it means that you are aware ...