体外: 随着生长培养基中 CV 浓度的增加,菌株 RB1 对链霉素的敏感性增强。随着生长培养基中 CV 浓度的增加,细胞色素 aa3 水平和链霉素敏感性都会增加。枯草芽孢杆菌积累链霉素需要细胞色素 aa3 [1]。链霉素影响 tRNA ...
Justin Bieber has reportedly spoken out after former mentor and collaborator P Diddy was charged with a number of crimes, the ...
这项由我国学者完成的研究结果发现:高血压患者中常吃(每周吃 3~6 次)香蕉或苹果的人,全因死亡率降低 24%~40%;而当患者对两种水果摄入频率都较高(每周吃 3~6 次)时,全因死亡率下降了 43%。同时,该研究还发现,常吃其他水果,如梨、菠萝或葡萄,与高血压患者的全因死亡率没有显示出显著关联。
Susan Stroman, Andy Blankenbuehler and Daryl Waters are among the mentors announced for the Time Step Symposium.
这让我意识到上班可能有的唯一好处:不上班的人,永远不懂下班有多快乐(如果你稀罕的话)。 [13] Park S, Pan L, Lankford T. Relationship between employment characteristics and obesity among employed US adults[J]. American Journal of Health ...
Here are some of the key signs of gaslighting in relationships: You constantly question your reality —even on small things, ...
只用一张桌子来午睡的艰苦条件下,我们很可能会枕着自己的胳膊或手背来给头部支撑,或者避免脸和硬硬的桌面直接接触。这种看似舒服的做法,实际上会导致手、腕、臂和肘部的神经受压或血流不足,时间久了,就会产生麻木和刺痛感 [2]。 神经受压(nerve ...
China is willing to work with Liberia to implement the outcomes of the 2024 FOCAC Summit and bring the two countries' newly ...
An Indian River County school employee is on administrative leave and another has been fired after allegations surfaced of an ...
At the FOCAC, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the ten partnership actions for China and Africa to jointly promote ...
Former South African senior diplomat Gert Grobler received a special gift from China. According to the Ministry of Foreign ...