An annual with aromatic, pinnate to 3-pinnate leaves, the upper ones with linear segments, and compound umbels of small white or purplish flowers, followed by aromatic fruits used in cooking ...
Plant cabbage seeds and transplant seedlings. There are many types of cabbage beyond the familiar green, sometimes called ...
Wait until your plant is around 6 inches (15cm) tall, then take a pair of sharp, clean scissors and snip out stems towards ...
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is a leafy vegetable rich in vitamins A, B complex, and C, and is a source of calcium and iron, which holds significant socioeconomic and nutritional importance. Its ...
Jerry grows quite a few of these in his Brisbane garden. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) goes to seed very quickly in the heat, so Jerry sows seed in the cool season. This way they grow more ...
苦瓜的膳食纤维含量高达到2.2g/100g,是玉米的2倍,能促进肠道蠕动,它的苦瓜素还可健脾开胃,减缓血糖上升 ...
Coriander is one of the most polarising herbs in the culinary world. For many, it adds a fresh, citrusy burst of flavour to ...
科普中国 on MSN11 天
香菜,是一种两级分化相当严重的蔬菜,有的人爱它爱到骨血中,恨不得每一餐饭,每一道菜都有香菜的加持,有的人却恨它恨到灵魂里,甚至成立“抵制香菜”的网站,上街游行表达厌恶之情。 今天,我们就来说说香菜的前世今生,数一数香菜的功过是非。 远渡重洋的舶来品 ...
Cilantro ( Coriandrum sativum) is the perfect herb for late summer planting. “My favorite crop to plant for a fall harvest is ...