"The digitalization of cultural tourism has become a new trend," said Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of the China Tourism ...
有些同学会因为对名词作定语的用法运用不当而错选B。其实,clothes“服装”只有复数形式,而单数形式“布店”应用shop for cloth或cloth shop,因此,根据语境可知,正确答案选D。 名词作定语时一般用其单数形式,然而,名词parents, clothes, sports等,作定语时 ...
Wukong, played by Shanghai Peking Opera performer Hao Jie, showed his signature moves, such as swinging the Jingu Bang (golden cudgel), and performed with break dancers, with music from the 1987 TV ...
巨大的水流扑面而来,瞬间浸润皮肤、打湿衣服,炎热在那一刻被赶走。 The massive water flow hit her, soaking her clothes instantly. At that moment, not only was the summer gone away, but also were the troubles and constraints.