Some plants use the heat to their advantage. Scrub oak and chamise, an evergreen shrub, resprout from roots or branches after fire has incinerated their outer limbs. If fire destroys their ...
Residents fear a proposed warehouse complex is part of a push to remake Yucaipa into another Inland Empire logistics hub ...
HABITAT: The Quino checkerspot may occupy a variety of habitat types — including grasslands, coastal sage scrub, chamise chaparral, red shank chaparral, juniper woodland, and semi-desert scrub — that ...
Paula Kennedy’s attorney filed a motion last week to withdraw her request for mental health diversion. She and Mendocino ...
Pupation occurs at the base of the redberry over a period of 10 to 14 days. FEEDING: Larvae eat redberry leaves; adults primarily eat the nectar of the buckwheat plant, but have also been observed ...
Special outside prosecutor Traci Carrillo, hired by District Attorney David Eyster to prosecute Paula June Kennedy and ...
“The Malibu nouveaux riches built higher and higher in the mountain chamise with scant regard for the inevitable fiery ...
The slope I’d traipsed up to get there was having a full-on spring freak-out. Everything was growing and nothing was dying: Green grass, red paintbrush, purple lupine, orange poppies and yellow ...
The Chaparral, The Tangled Assortment of low-growing, drought-resistant native shrubs covering most of San Diego County’s lower mountain slopes, has managed to remain somewhat green this summer.
For nearly 40 years, he’s been riding equestrian trails dotted with coastal oaks, chamise and buckwheat and flanked by the snow-capped mountains of the San Gorgonio Wilderness. “It’s one of ...
We traverse serpentine chaparral evidenced here by chamise, manzanita and yerba santa. This landscape is typical of Marin’s “Big Empty.” (Photo by Jim Holden) We climb, sometimes steeply ...