Key Points Pivoting is crucial when your startup faces stagnation, lacks product-market fit, or experiences declining ...
In India, two of the leading startups, Zepto and Razorpay, pivoted in their early days. Interestingly, both these unicorns ...
全球最受用户欢迎的10大社交平台你知道是啥吗?在这个信息爆炸的时代,社交媒体已经成为人们生活中的一部分,今天为大家做的是当下全球月活跃用户最多的10家社交平台排行榜,而在这10大社交平台中,中国就占了4家,那么抖音和快手在全球能排在第几名呢?下面我们 ...
The origins of Instagram began with Burbn, an app that Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom described as “cluttered” and “overrun with features.” After about a year of work building Burbn, Systrom and ...
When Instagram first launched, it wasn’t a photo-sharing app—it was a check-in app called Burbn. Instead of sticking to a rigid plan, the founders saw an opportunity in how users engaged with ...