Brain exercises support neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain’s tendency to form new connections and neural pathways.
Summary: A new study reveals that extracellular vesicles (EVs), tiny bubbles released by cells, play a crucial role in brain development by facilitating specialized cell-to-cell communication. These ...
The next time you hand over your smartphone, consider the harmful effects it could have on your child. Dr Jonathan Haidt shares reasons why smartphone use among kids is a deeply concerning issue.
With the medical device industry keen to capitalise on the engagement of the video games industry, Medical Device Network ...
New research reveals that girls exposed to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may experience early puberty, which is linked to various health risks. These chemicals, including musk ambrette ...
Mindfulness and meditation improve focus and cognitive function by promoting brain plasticity, regular practice helps in reducing stress. Games like Sudoku and crosswords improve logical thinking and ...
Fleming, who admittedly discovered penicillin by chance, is reported to have said, “When I woke up just after dawn on ...
Ayurveda is a treasure trove for brain sharpening remedies like Medhya Rasayana, an Ayurvedic herbal remedy for mental agility, memory, and focus. Ayurvedic practitioners have been known to use herbs ...
and nitrogen oxides (NOx), during pregnancy and childhood is associated with differences in the microstructure of the brain s white matter, ...
If your child sometimes has trouble sleeping, it may be easy to chalk it up to a phase they will grow out of one day. But a ...
Everyday Activities Aren't Enough to Protect Against ... Molecular Atlas of Blood Vessel Pathways in the Human Brain, Across Early Brain Development, Adulthood and Disease July 10, 2024 ...