研究结果显示:长期锻炼者的脂肪组织含有更多的血管和线粒体,这有助于提高脂肪的氧化能力。锻炼者的脂肪组织中 胶原蛋白 水平较低,这意味着脂肪组织更加柔软,能够更好地储存脂肪。锻炼者的脂肪组织中炎症细胞较少,减少了慢性炎症的风险。
▎药明康德内容团队编辑  日常保持合理的运动量可以给身体带来诸多好处,比如帮助对抗焦虑,延缓大脑衰老,并全面改善身体的有氧代谢能力。但对于运动减肥这件事,科学界仍然具有争议,大多数研究发现单靠运动其实对减肥的作用非常小,这是因为身体在察觉到运动消耗过 ...
There are a number of stocks moving in after-hours trading on Monday.  Deere (DE) shares slipped after former President Donald Trump said that if he were reelected, he would hit the equipment ...
Even as the war of words continues, there will need to be practical measures to deal with the increasing threats to space.
China’s military is rapidly building up space capabilities, including more than 970 recently deployed satellites that would ...
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Atlantic Sapphire Tr is listed on the Euronext Oslo trading with ticker code ASAT.OL. It has a market capitalisation of , with approximately 6.84b shares in issue.
Still finding inspiration, he explains how close the band came to missing out on Sweet Emotion, his near-grudge over Janie’s ...
Regular endurance exercise significantly remodels abdominal subcutaneous fat in adults with obesity, enhancing its metabolic function and contributing to better cardiometabolic health.
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