大家都听过“逐鹿中原”这个成语,意思是群雄并起,争夺天下。汉高祖刘邦和项羽争天下,我们就形容这些人是“逐鹿中原”。但是细究这个成语本身,不知道你有没有想过,为什么偏偏是“逐鹿”呢?“鹿”又代表了什么呢?在中国传统文化里,“鹿”这种温顺可爱、体态矫健的 ...
A total of 86 drivers have competed in at least one Formula E race during the past 10 years, and Autosport has picked out the ...
A total of 86 drivers have competed in at least one Formula E race during the past 10 years, and we have picked out the best ...
Discover how Extreme H, a hydrogen-powered zero-carbon racing series plans to drive innovation in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles ...
F1 has been owned by Liberty Media since 2017 after it acquired the car racing series in an $8bn deal from CVC Capital Partners. European regulators have previously required that F1 and MotoGP be ...
Formula E chairman Alejandro Agag has called on the European Commission to scrutinise Liberty Media’s impending takeover of ...
Today marks 10 years since the first-ever FIA Formula E race, and it can rightly feel proud that its resilience ...