秋高气爽,杭城桂花飘香,你那里呢? 那今天就让我们来做个秋季限定甜品吧,口感丰富,绵密顺滑的桂花巴斯克蛋糕,真的很难让人不爱呀! 👩🏻‍🍳食材准备:(6寸蛋糕) 🍰巴斯克蛋糕层: 奶油奶酪:300g 细砂糖:40g 桂花蜜:2勺 全蛋液:2个 蛋黄:1个 淡奶油:180g 玉米淀粉:18g 🧀桂花奶酪层: 奶油奶酪:150g 细砂糖:10g 桂花蜜:2勺 淡奶油:160g 细砂糖:15g ...
Supernote's upcoming A5 X2 will be bigger, thinner, and lighter than its predecessor, featuring a 10.7-inch screen. The ...
“我们这里收购商出价的主要依据就是果园整体长势和果个大小,用了‘极致’的猕猴桃整体表现为果个大且均匀一致。别的果园单果重都是80g起步,‘极致’用户的果个基本上都是100g起步。无论是在7、8月的膨大期,还是9月份的成熟期,只要是我们‘极致’猕猴桃示 ...
清清淡淡的甜味,加上紫米的香气,很适合和青团搭配着吃,糯叽叽的口感加倍,真是太好吃了! 💖💖💖 配方 一份成品约750g 小法做了两份 紫米 250g 500g 炼乳 80g 160g 水 适量 ...
-广告-美国作家海伦·凯勒说,假如给我三天光明,我要用一天去看博物馆。因为只有在博物馆里,才能把人类进化的万古千年,凝练成短短一天。图片来源:纪录片《博物馆的秘密》博物馆每件藏品,都在诉说着无声的故事。每个文字,每个图案,都见证了历史。如果不是《亚尼 ...
The battery specification is the key to working out the weight. At 1435mAh and 7.3V the rumor we can expect a drone around 125-160g. That would be more than the weight of the HoverAir X1 (which ...
0添加配方,快煮即熟。 宝宝馋了 婴幼儿辅食面条 番茄牛肉味 160g ,婴标面条,严格执行GB10769,每批进行全项目检测,添加钙铁锌等关键营养,特添6大关键营养,全面助力宝宝好成长。
Iron has a busy job to do in our bodies. It maintains healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body, and it’s ...
FILL THE THUMBPRINTS: In a small saucepan, warm the remaining ½ cup (5.6 oz / 160g) jam over medium-low heat, whisking occasionally, just until it’s fluid (or warm it in 20-second bursts in a ...
So my husband was my world in sport and in life. I eat about 2,500 calories a day. I try and get about 160g of protein, 210g of carbs, and 80 grams of fat each day. I work with a nutrition coach ...
They provided emergency medical care and then the HH-160G flew in, hoisting the survivors up from the crash site before flying them to medical centers. “The patient’s extent of injuries versus ...