An "extreme snuff film" called "Frazzledrip" that supposedly shows Hillary Clinton and aide Huma Abedin torturing and killing ...
But first let us explain its manufacture. The leaves of tobacco intended for snuff are sorted and prepared with a sauce, which is different in some countries and manufactories. It is composed of ...
上周五,高通被爆料可能将收购英特尔,从而建立起一个芯片业的庞然大物。这推动英特尔股价在本周一上涨超过3%,不少 ...
Rhino horn is used in traditional Asian medicine to treat various ailments, and is also an ingredient in 50 different recipes for snuff. Similarly, pangolin scales have been suggested as an ...
Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter. After smoking cigarettes for years, Takafumi Sadate began using the newest model of a safer alternative ...
美国准备好了吗?要是准备好了,早不等现在了,把中国崛起掐灭在萌芽里不香吗?为什么非要等到钢铁长城加钢铁羽翼都压上来? 美国舆论也不会 ...
在科学高速发展的今天,许多民间传说的谣言已被破除,但是像水猴子这种世纪老谣是不可能被完全掐灭的,每隔一段时间,网上(朋友圈居多)就 ...
编者按:这是邓聿文为美国之音撰写的评论文章。这篇特约评论不代表美国之音的观点。转载者请注明来自美国之音或者VOA。 湖南财政厅女厅长刘 ...
9月20日、21日,一场实战化背景下的“粤动-2024”暨珠三角天盾研究性演习在珠三角9市、粤东4市和湛江市拉开,该演习积极探索新域新质生产力与 ...
上周五,高通被爆料可能将收购英特尔,从而建立起一个芯片业的庞然大物。这推动英特尔股价在本周一上涨超过3%,不少投资者都认为这笔交易 ...
财联社9月24日讯(编辑 马兰)上周五,高通被爆料可能将收购英特尔,从而建立起一个芯片业的庞然大物。这推动英特尔股价在本周一上涨超过3% ...