Why is the US ultra-right turning to Rhodesia as their model for a white supremacist state?
A scarecrow takes flight, soaring past surprised tourists to catch the ocean breeze. A red flag is raised at the beach, indicating unsafe swimming conditions due to high tides. Local photographers are ...
The Nairobi City Marathon 2024 wasn’t just a race; it was a celebration of the city’s spirit. From the vibrant atmosphere to the determined runners, the event showcased Nairobi’s passion for sports ...
The year is 1927. The British Colonial Office has just put out an advertisement in the papers that says, “Come to the brightest jewel in the crown of the British Empire – Kenya.” In the 19 th century, ...
I was among the small number of people fortunate enough to attend the meeting of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) in New York City in April. I approached it with an ...
As part of its soft power strategy, Russia focuses heavily on attracting foreign students to its educational system. The main goal is for foreign students to also study communist disciplines and shape ...
Ngara an estate close to Nairobi’s Central Business District was engulfed in a fire after a gas leak accident on 1st September 2024. The residents and business premises lost property worth millions.
The sun had set for the villagers gathered near Baghdad village in the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia. About 50 of them had gathered at Jaffey farm to break their iftar, the evening meal with which ...
It has been 30 years since one of the most sensational court cases in the history of modern Kenya took centre stage at the High Court in Nairobi. The feud over Olympic Boxing gold medallist Robert ...
The 2010 constitution turns 14 years today and has been observed in breach more than in observance. Key among these is the implementation of the rights of people with disabilities. In this ...
In June, Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta announced a lofty goal: vaccinating the entire adult population of 27 million against COVID-19 by the end of the year. But a long-time problem –– the lack of ...
The Gen Z and Millennials movement/struggle/uprising/revolution (GZMU) has caught the attention of the government, the opposition, religious organisations, corporate ...