Agenda: Call to Order; Human Services Department (HSD) - continued from morning session; Office of Arts and Culture (ARTS); Office of Economic Development (OED).
Agenda: Call to Order; Human Services Department (HSD) - continued from morning session; Office of Arts and Culture (ARTS); Office of Economic Development (OED). Continued from the morning session.
Agenda: Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Community Assisted Response and Engagement Department (CARE) Overview; Public Comment; Public Safety Committee Overview Briefing and Discussion; Seattle ...
Continued from the morning session. Agenda: General Fund Balancing Analysis; JumpStart Fund Balancing Analysis.
Join host Brian Callanan for a monthly conversation with members of the Seattle City Council. City Inside/Out: Council Edition features a conversation about the issues with Seattle City Councilmembers ...
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Tanya Woo is running to retain her seat on the Seattle City Council after being appointed to fill the position in January. Newcomer Alexis Mercedes Rinck mounted a formidable challenge and took more ...